Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Why I No Longer Eat Fish

My daddy was an avid outdoorsman. He loved to hunt and fish---but especially fish. He fished every spare moment he could--both deep water fishing in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean and in lakes, rivers and streams. Before I was born, my family moved to Washington State because my dad wanted to live in the great Northwest so he could spend most of his time camping, hunting and of course fishing in Puget Sound. I was almost born in Yellowstone National Park when we camped there on the way to Washington. Fishing was truly a way of life for my dad and he took the family with him many times when he went fishing or crabbing.

When I grew up I married a man who had no interest in fishing, so I lost interest too.
However I still loved to eat fish and since we lived in places like Hawaii and Florida I also loved to eat seafood.

When my own children grew up, my daughter married a man who thinks of little else but fishing. He is a fly fisherman and has literally fished all over the U.S. and in fact in many places around the world.

So when I began a plant-based diet a few years ago, I found it very difficult to give up fish and seafood. I mean, lets face it you can't go to Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville and NOT have seafood---or can you?

The main reason I decided to try out a plant-based diet was because I wanted to lose weight. However, the more I read about a plant based diet, the more I realized that adopting such a diet wasn't only good for my health, but also good for the environment. Not only that, but I found out that a plant-based diet is the most sustainable diet there is. The oceans have been devastated by overfishing in order to feed the ever growing human population. Our lust for animal protein has been harmful to the planet. Humans eat fish faster than they can reproduce and our lack of concern for the environment has caused pollution of the ocean with the end result being a decline in sea life. Freshwater fish are also cause for concern as industrial pollution from runoff containing pesticides, herbicides and manure from factory farm overspills have contaminated streams, rivers and lakes.

So I no longer eat fish. I think I am better for it and so is the world.

To learn more about why you should not eat fish and seafood, read the link below.


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